How to try the platform for free?

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Register your candidate for one, two or three assessments (You have 3 credits).

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Try the Platform

Easily assess and identify top talent with one of the largest test catalogs available.

We offer several types of tests to meet your needs:

Standard tests consist of a predefined set of questions categorized into three difficulty levels: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. All of our tests are available as standard tests except coding tests. A standard test requires one credit.

Premium tests include coding tests and adaptive tests that dynamically adjust the difficulty of the test in real-time, based on the candidate's answers. Premium tests also encompass custom tests that you can create directly on the platform. Skill reports are more detailed and incorporate AI. A premium test requires two credits.

Secondary Language tests include reading and/or listening comprehension tests. They are available in French, English, Spanish, German and Dutch. The Secondary Language tests are entirely based on open-ended questions, and several Artificial Intelligences evaluate grammar, spelling and the relevance of answers, guaranteeing an objective and reliable assessment. A secondary language test requires three credits.

The Demo Pack Includes:

  Admin Account Access

  Three (3) free test credits

  Access to the entire test catalog (+200 tests)

  Availability in six languages

  Access to post-test reports and answer key

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